• Cardiovascular Conditioning

    Cardiovascular conditioning improves circulation and strengthens the heart, lungs and blood vessels. It builds endurance and strength for the heart muscle, whether a person is well or recovering from a disease or injury. Exercise conditions the heart to work more efficiently, which helps prevent heart

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  • Chest Physiotherapy

    Chest physiotherapy involves a number of physical techniques to help remove excess mucus from respiratory passages and improve breathing. The goal is to help patients breathe more freely and get more oxygen through the blood stream into all parts of the body. Normally, mucus helps lubricate the lungs.

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  • Compression Therapy

    Compression therapy is used to reduce swelling and improve circulation in the legs, most commonly post surgery. Normally, leg movement, such as walking, stimulates regular contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles to help circulate blood from the lower extremeties up to the heart. Periods of immobility,

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